Sunday, March 21, 2010

3.21.10 Workout

Sunday 3:30pm

Upper Body Pull

Warm-up: seal jacks/x-jacks/basic jacks/bent knee iron cross/supine straight leg raise/band static pec stretch x 2/external rotation 8lbs x 2 sets of 12/internal rotation stretch x 2

  1. Lat Pulldown - 50lbx20/100x5/150x5/200x5/250x5/260x5
  2. Bent Barbell Row - 135x/225x5/255x5
  3. 1 Arm Row - 125x8/125x8
  4. Seated High Pulley Row - 150 x 3 sets of 8
  5. Dumbell Curl - (1 set) 60x3>45x4>30x7 (drop set)
  6. JC Band Bicep Curls 15/10/10 .30 sec rest between sets
  7. DB Wrist Curls - 40x10/40x8/30x12
  8. Zotman Curls - 20x10/20x10
  9. Single Leg Standing Calf Raise - 3x8
  10. Seated Calf Raise - 70 x 3 sets of 12

Static stretch hams, calves, lats, triceps, biceps, forearm flexors.

Foam rolled quads.

Time to complete: 75 minutes.

Post workout: 1 serving P90X Results & Recovery Drink mixed w/ 1 serving of BSN Cell Mass.

Awesome workout! Next sessions is Legs/Shoulders/Traps/Core.

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