Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Random Acts of Kindness

On Friday 2/5/10 I made my usual afternoon stop at the post office, and as usual I sorted through my mail next to the recycle bin in order to quickly dispose of all the junk mail I get. As I was sorting I came across an envelope that had my name and address typed, but no return address. It seemed odd, but I opened it. Inside was a folded piece of printing paper with a $50 Mobil gift card tucked inside. I couldn't believe it. I looked over the envelope to see where it was post marked, looked inside it, and on each side of the paper it was tucked in for some sort of note......nothing!

I walked back to my truck smiling, and being thankful, but also feeling guilty. I thought to myself, why haven't I done something like this before. How hard would it be? Not that I've never done anything nice for anyone, but what this person did, without even giving me a way to thank them, was truly kind!

To conclude this blog, I challenge you, as well as myself to perform some act of random kindness each day for someone whether you know them or not. Holding a door open, carrying someone's groceries, pushing a random person's car out of the snow, shoveling an elderly persons front step, or mailing a gift card without a way for them to thank you. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did this at least one time per day.

Whomever sent me the gift card, if you're out there, I thank you!

Scott Fleurant